
  • Individual and Couples Therapy

    In-Person, Telehealth, & Nature Walk & Talk Sessions Available

  • Personalized Coaching Packages

    Coaching packages personalized JUST FOR YOU!

  • Somatic Based Therapies

    Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Touch, Somatic EMDR, Trauma Release Exercises, Movement Therapy

  • Meditation & Mindfulness Training

    Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

  • Psychotherapeutic Yoga

    Psychotherapeutic Yoga

  • Sound Healing

    Vibrational Sound Healing

    Sound Baths

  • Energy Medicine / Reiki

    Various modalities working with your energetic body

  • Breathwork

    Individual Breathwork sessions, Pranayama techniques, Kundalini breathing

  • Psychedelic Integration

    Whether you need a space holder for your journey or someone to help you make sense of an experience, I’ve got you.

  • Spinal Energetics

    Spinal Energetics combines elements of chiropractic techniques, energy healing, and body awareness to promote physical and emotional well-being. It focuses on the flow of energy along the spine and aims to release tension, blockages, or emotional stress stored in the body.

  • Other services (Contact for specific details)

    Available for consulting, interviews, speaking engagements, lectures/presentations, corporate wellness events, retreats, travel coach, and more.