Spinal Energetics

Spinal Energetics is a practice that combines Eastern and Western philosophies, to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system, and energetic field. Through the process it helps a person connect to their body’s own innate wisdom of healing. Each living being is not just a physical form, but also a being of energy. Energy encompasses each of our aspects; physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and soul. This is woven together with our ancestry, life experiences, stories, belief systems, and personality. Through light yet powerful touch (and often no touch), an organic flow of movement and sound begins to shift, unwind, discover, and release tension, resistance, and past traumas that have been stored in the body.

Who Can Benefit From this?

Just about anyone!

Spinal Energetics can help with stress, anxiety, depression, headaches, stomach pains, digestive issues, irregular moods, jaw clenching, low libido, muscle tension, chronic fatigue, aches and pains, autoimmune disorders, obsessive thinking, poor energy levels, feeling reactive, feeling stuck, repetitive patterns, and disconnection from your true self.

Why? Because these are all signs of an overactive sympathetic nervous system. It is so easy in this day and age for the nervous system to feel overworked and burdened, which contributes to a sense of non-safety. There are many ways to help ease the nervous system and Spinal Energetics is a safe and gentle way to take care of your body and help release trauma imprints, unprocessed emotions, and physical tension.

Who Is This Not For?

  • Untreated Severe Mental Health Conditions (Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, Psychosis)

  • Cardiovascular problems/history of heart disease

  • History of seizures or aneurysms

  • Severe asthma

  • Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, or spiritual emergence within the past 3 years

  • Recent surgery

  • Recent injuries/fractures

  • Heavy medications that alter brain chemistry

  • Over 75 or under 12

  • Any other medical, psychiatric, or physical conditions that may impair of affect your ability to engage in activities involving intense physical and/or emotional release

  • Please check with your doctor if you are under medical care

What To Expect During A Session

  1. Brief review of intake form to answer any questions and explain what to expect during the session

  2. Spinal assessment to feel into tension patterns along the spine and body

  3. 5-10 minutes of grounding and safety to help create a deeper mind and body connection. Safety is the foundation of the work

  4. 25-30 minutes of Spinal Energetics treatment. Music and cues will be heard as practitioner works in the field. Movement, sounds, emotions, and body sensations may be felt

  5. 5-10 min of coming back to the space

  6. 5-10 min of Integration and sharing any insights or messages received

  7. Follow-Up - Integration typically lasts for 72 hours. You may feel better or worse during this time and your practitioner is available to check in and answer any questions.